Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana IL GLOBO


Students at IL GLOBO are of all ages, backgrounds and occupations.

As an example, here are our statistics for the year 2007:

Less than 20 16%
20/25 29%
25/40 29%
40/50 16%
50/60 7%
More than 60 3%
Germany, Austria, Switzerland 25%
UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia 22%
Others UE countries 15%
Spain and Latin American countries 14%
France 6%
Japan, China, Taiwan 6%
Croatia and Serbia-Montenegro 5%
Others 7%


Comments of some of our former students (and present cooperators):


The Nuovo Centro Studi IL GLOBO offers to many Istituti Italiani di Cultura abroad a number of grants which Institutes distribute to their students and which may be used to cover the cost of our courses. The awards are of two types:

  1. 100%: covering the whole of the costs for a standard course of two weeks (excluding enrolment fee).
  2. 50%: covering half the costs for a standard course of four weeks (excluding enrolment fee).

These study grants are offered by IL GLOBO but are awarded solely through the Italian cultural institutes.

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